Flagged or Filtered Content
1 If the bad word filter has picked up a word in a message or post, the someone has reported a post in forums, blogs etc then it is flagged.
2 For example, if a bad word is found in a message the message is not sent and the admin is notified:
3 The administrator gets a notification on the dashboard Admin icon, and a warning triangle on the top toolbar
4 Access the content: click the warning triangle and a notification popup appears
5 Or click into Admin app and click Flagged Content in the left menu
6 The flagged content screen contains all of the apps you have that are monitored for bad words, and shows the number of flagged contents.
7 Click on the app name to see the list of flagged content:
8 Click Show Message to see the message.
9 You can then decide to either delete or unflag it. Tick the box next to the content you want to manage then select Delete or Unflag from the Actions menu in the top toolbar.